Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some questions that often get asked:

What happens if I need to contact you while you're abroad?

Students are welcome to take mobile phones with them to help you keep in touch, though I'd like to stress that snow and phones often don’t mix well and we would strongly advise that such devices are insured separately.

Should you need to contact with the staff on the trip while we are away, the fastest way will be via email at as this will be monitored throughout the trip. You can also call me via the following number: 01474 543622. This line has an answerphone which will notify us when a message is left. We will then return your call as soon as possible. Please don’t contact the normal school number as this will not be responded to during the school holidays.

How much money is it useful to take in cash for additional expenses?

While the trip is all-inclusive, snacks and presents all obviously cost. Euros are the Italian currency, and these can be converted at post offices and banks. A budget of between 5 and €10 a day is often ample. 

Breakfast, a packed lunch, and dinner are included in the cost of the trip from the moment we arrive at the resort (Saturday evening) to when we leave (Friday night). However, your child may want some Euros for the coach trip to buy snacks and hot drinks at the various service stations on the route. He may also want to buy extras to go with his daily packed lunch, €8 is normally enough for a soft drink and some chips in a mountain restaurant, and €12 can normally get a good Austrian hot meal such as Tiroler Gröstl.

To help students keep their money safe and avoid spending it too quickly we will be operating a voluntary holiday bank that will be run on a daily basis. In order to take advantage of this, any money should be paid into Student Services at least a week before we leave (in Euros). Please ensure this is in an envelope with your child's name and the amount written clearly.

When we arrive in the resort the bank will be open at a convenient time each day for your child to take money out. Any remaining funds will obviously be returned to him at the end of the trip. 

I struggle with travel sickness, what should I do?

The first job is to make sure you let us know - while we can't stop it, if we are aware we can help.

Please remember to take your travel pills, sit in a sensible part of the coach (at the front where you get plenty of air and not over a wheel) and ask for a sick bag as a precaution.

It's also best to avoid reading or looking at a small phone screen, as this often can trigger such feelings. Keeping an eye on the horizon can help greatly.

If you’ve taken every precaution then no one will get grumpy if you’re sick, but if you don’t then expect some very grumpy fellow passengers as there is nothing worse than sitting for long periods on a coach with the smell of human vomit!