Medical Issues

We obviously hope not to have any medical problems during the trip, but in the event of anyone becoming ill it is important that your son lets one of the teachers know as soon as possible. 

That said, a little forward planning can often avoid minor problems (ie. taking travel sickness pills, wearing suntan lotion, sunglasses/goggles and a hat to avoid sunstroke etc). 

Illnesses and Allergies

Please make sure that all illnesses, medical conditions or allergies are recorded when completing the online Student Details form at the bottom of this page. If there is any relevant medical information that we might need to know in an emergency but which you would not want to be written on the form, please contact Mr Morgan directly. 


Please ensure your child has sufficient supplies of any medication he will need with reserves in case we get delayed on the return journey. Due to government regulations staff are not allowed to prescribe or give out medicines. However, we are quite happy to look after any medicines and allow your child access to them while we are away. To facilitate this please ensure:

Obviously, some medicines should be kept by the students at all times (ie. asthma inhalers etc) but we will happily look after a spare. 

Accidents and Emergencies 

All ski resorts have ski patrols and medical systems geared to look after accidents on the slopes. If your child is unfortunate enough to have an accident whilst skiing, his instructor will ensure he is well looked after. We have full insurance cover to pay all medical bills, and if necessary, repatriation to the UK.