Vital Documents

Check now that you have...

...a valid passport

All students will require their own passport. The reason we don’t use a collective passport is that if anyone needed to come back to the UK after an accident or for any other reason they would need their own passport to travel.

Latest government guidance following BREXIT means students must have a valid passport with at least six months left on it by our date of travel. Please can you return a photocopy of the passport with the Student Information Sheet to Mr Morgan by the end of Term 3.

...a valid Health Insurance Card (EHIC/GHIC)

This card gives UK residents’ the right to emergency healthcare when traveling in the EU. It is obviously very important we take advantage of this should the worst happen while on our trip.

The European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC) is still valid as long as it is in date for the full dates of our trip. If it has run out, you need to apply for a new free Global Health Insurance Card via the official website (click the NHS logo on the right to go to this official site).

To ensure you have one please check your EHIC is in date NOW, and if not then apply for a new GHIC NOW!

This EHIC/GHIC should be given to Mr Morgan by the end of Term 3 for safekeeping until the trip (Friday 1 February). and return a signed copy of the Code of Conduct

As discussed at the parent's meeting, skiing has the potential to be a very dangerous activity. However, every opportunity has been taken to reduce the level of risk. Nevertheless, to ensure the safety of all those on the trip it is important your child reads the Code of Conduct and both they and you as parent/guardian must sign it. Once completed it should be returned to Mr Morgan.